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Showing posts from August, 2013

A little known feature of Google Authorship

When you search for a topic on Google, you will likely see several search results showing "rich snippets" - profile image, name and number of followers on Google+ - for people who have set up Google Authorship for their content: A neat feature of authorship is that you can filter your search and see everything a particular author has written about the topic you search for by clicking on the author's name: Unless you go back to standard Google search, every search you do will be a search within that author's posts - which means that you can look around further in the writings of the author in question.  Update: Apparently, this feature only works, if you search via You probably won't be able to use this feature, if you are using a local version of Google search

Get started with Google Authorship

What is Google Authorship - and why should you use it? One of the most fundamental reasons for the phenomenal success of Google, is that they give us relevant search results. Unfortunately, it is not entirely easy to define “relevant” and Google has long been battling low quality content which is masked as relevant content. To that end Google is now laser focused on personal authority and because of that they have introduced Google Authorship. If you want to make sure that your content gets optimal visibility and ranking in search results, you should implement Google Authorship for your site or blog right now. At the heart of Google Authorship is the connection between an author's content on the web and his or her profile on Google+. Once this connection is established, content will show up far more visible and with much greater authority in search results on Google, since both profile image, name and number of followers on Google+ will be shown along with the link to the c